
Henriikka Weir

Ph.D., Associate Professor Criminal Justice
ACAD 307
1420 Austin Bluffs Pkwy
Colorado Springs, CO 80918
ACAD 307
1420 Austin Bluffs Pkwy
Colorado Springs, CO 80918

Office Hours

Tuesdays 2:00pm-4:00pm (in person) | & by appointment (Teams or Zoom)

Biographical Information

Henriikka Weir is a former police officer and an Associate Professor in the College of Public Service at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs. Dr. Weir received her B.A. in Psychology (2008), M.S. in Criminology (2009), and Ph.D. in Criminology (2013) from the University of Texas at Dallas. She is passionate about children's rights and substance abuse treatment for offenders. She also enjoys teaching and interaction with students.

Teaching: Dr. Weir regularly teaches the criminological theory course at undergraduate and graduate level. In addition, she frequently teaches courses related to violence, victimization, and childhood maltreatment. 

Research: Dr. Weir’s research has been published in Journal of Criminal Justice and Behavior, Journal of Criminal Justice, Journal of Criminal Justice Education, and Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, among others. During her short tenure, she has also obtained internal university-level teaching and research grants, as well as a federal research grant, and has been part of a contract between the UCCS and Colorado Department of Corrections.

Special Enforcement Units in Colorado Springs Police Department - Henriikka Weir

Areas of Interest

  • Violence and victimization
  • Childhood maltreatment and intimate partner violence
  • Trauma
  • Psychopathy
  • Biosocial and developmental explanations of crime
  • Trajectory modeling (and longitudinal research designs)

Selected Publications

Weir, H., and Kaukinen, C. 2019. The violence trajectories associated with dating violence. Violence and Victims34(1). DOI: 10.1891/0886-6708.VV-D-16-00131

*Harmon, V. L., Kaukinen, C. Mujkic, E., and Weir, H. 2018. Causes and explanations of suicide terrorism: A systematic review. Journal of Applied Security Research: An International Journal of Police Security Operations & Practices.

Caudill, J. W. & Weir, H. 2018. Psychopathy among juvenile homicide offenders. In Matt DeLisi’s (Ed.) Routledge International Handbook of Psychopathy and Crime.   https://www.hsaj.org/articles/14749

Weir, H. and Kaukinen, C. 2016. Delinquent Effects of Childhood Exposure to Violent Victimization: A Latent Longitudinal Class Analysis. Violence and Crime in the Family. In Contemporary Perspectives in Family Research9.

Weir, H. and Kosloski, A. E.  2015. Melding theoretical perspectives: Gendered approach on low resting heart rate, developmental trajectories, and antisocial behavior. Criminal Justice Studies, 28(1). doi:10.1080/1478601X.2015.1004915

Stewart, D. M., Morris, R. G., and Weir, H. 2014. Youth perceptions of the police: Identifying trajectories. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 12(1), 22-39. doi: 10.1177/1541204013480369.

Weir, H. and Orrick, E. 2013. The most prolific female scholars in elite criminology and criminal justice journals, 2000-2010. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 24(3), 273-289. 

Weir, H., Stewart, D. M., and Morris, R. G. 2012. Problematic alcohol consumption by police officers and other protective service employees: A comparative analysis. Journal of Criminal Justice, 40(1), 72-82. 

Weir, H., and Barnes, J.C. 2012. Wisconsin risk assessment instrument. In Shannon Barton-Bellessa and Geoffrey J. Golson (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Community Corrections.           Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Orrick, E., and Weir, H. 2011. The most prolific sole and lead authors in elite criminology and criminal justice journals, 2000-2009. Journal of Criminal Justice and Education22(1), 24-42. 

Boots, D. P., Wareham, J., and Weir, H. 2011. Gendered perspectives on depression and antisocial behaviors: An extension of the failure model in adolescent PHDCN girls and boys. Criminal Justice & Behavior38(1), 63-84.

Criminal Justice Field Experience

Prior to starting her graduate studies in criminology, Henriikka was employed full-time as a police officer in Bedford, Texas, where she first worked as a patrol officer and then as a narcotics investigator.

Curriculum Vitae