Giving Opportunities
Giving to the College of Public Service

Southern Colorado has become a hub for careers in the public sector, thanks to the abundance and expansion of nonprofit and government entities. As the demand for skilled professionals in these fields continues to grow, having a specialized public university in the region has become more crucial than ever. This is where the UCCS College of Public Service comes in.
The College of Public Service (CPS) has been instrumental in training qualified workers to fill these roles. Many members of the Colorado Springs Police Department's command staff have received their master's degree from CPS, and an increasing number of local nonprofit executives are pursuing their Master of Public Administration at UCCS.
By giving, you are sending a message of support for Southern Colorado's public sector. Your support will help train the next generation of professionals who will make a positive impact in the region and beyond.
Give to the College of Public Service
To provide support for the College of Public Service at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs.
Public Safety Initiative Fund
To provide funding for evidence-based training and education services by the College of Public Service at UCCS to law enforcement agencies and communities with a focus on Colorado and neighboring western states.
Social Work Program Fund
To provide support for the mission and objectives of the Social Work Program at the UCCS College of Public Service.
Additional Information
Call the Development Office at (719) 255-5100.
Make your check out to the “CU Foundation” with the name of the fund in the memo box and send to the following address. If you have no fund in particular in mind, you can leave the memo space blank or choose a fund from our priority funds (listed above).
University Development
1420 Austin Bluffs Pkwy
Colorado Springs, CO 80918
Designate your gift to the area that matters most to you by leaving a lasting legacy at the College of Public Service. Making a gift in your will or living trust allows donors to make larger gifts than they otherwise might be able to give from their income alone. Learn more about the many benefits of planned giving, such as life-long income and tax benefits that can better provide for your heirs by minimizing impact on your estate. For more information visit the UCCS Planned Giving website, or contact development@uccs.edu or (719) 255-5100.
Gifts made in memory or in honor of a family member, teacher, student, or friend are generous and thoughtful ways to remember a person’s life and accomplishments. You can specify this when giving online or you can mention it to a member of our Advancement team when arranging to make a gift with their assistance.
Many employers allow tax-deductible giving through payroll deductions. Additionally, if you or your spouse are employed by a company that provides a matching gift program, your contribution to the College of Public Service could be significantly supported. Check with your employer to see if you qualify.
You can choose to support the College of Public Service in many other ways like donating property, stocks, bonds, real estate, or gifts-in-kind. Contact development@uccs.edu or (719) 255-5100 for more information.