Center for Human Security
CHS Executive Director Welcome Note
Welcome to the Center for Human Security! It is a true pleasure to return to the University of Colorado Colorado Springs and the College of Public Service (CPS) with the charge to open the aperture on the Center’s mission to address the diverse, complex issues of security within a global framework.
“May you live in interesting times…” is often attributed to an ancient Chinese proverb. For better or worse, we now find ourselves in a remarkably interesting era where uncertainty is rife and security often seems elusive. We are now nearly 14 years beyond the terrible attacks of September 11, 2001. Yet events in France, Ukraine, Syria, and Iraq; West Africa’s Ebola emergency; and closer to home, the situation along the US southwest border and the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings demonstrate the breadth of the challenge that remains. We are charged with having to prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from the diverse threats to our security. I am fortunate to work with remarkably talented, accomplished, and versatile CPS faculty, staff, and students – and CHS’ many partners – to address these challenges head-on.
CHS has evolved through a long, successful history as the best-of-class center of excellence in applied security studies, and is now poised to mature and grow the emerging discipline of human security. Through a networked approach to graduate and undergraduate education and faculty research and community engagement, the Center is positioned to make our times a bit less interesting. That’s something we all can look forward to!
Steve Recca
Executive Director
Mobile: (719) 640-4346
Email: srecca@uccs.edu
CHS Mission
Mobilize communities for the integrated and effective prevention, preparation, and response to man-made and natural disaster disruption to human security through research, technical assistance, and training.
To accomplish this mission, we, as an integral part of the College of Public Service (CPS):
- Optimize the capabilities and comparative advantage of UCCS and CPS.
- Create partnerships and opportunities for research and training.
- Convene and bring together national experts to collaborate in identifying issues and creating solutions.
- Facilitate workforce development by leveraging partnerships with local and national organizations.
- Facilitate the development of local, regional, and national endeavors.
What is Human Security?
The term human security provides a human-centric approach to enhancing and sustaining the security, safety, and well-being of the individual, our families, communities, and nation. A human-centric framework shifts the lens from viewing man-made and natural security challenges – such as 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, and the Waldo Canyon fire, and public health emergencies such as Avian Flu or Ebola – as event- or government-centric. By focusing on people as the core – holistically, in terms of cause, and effect, and as change agents – people become solution-enablers rather than merely objects requiring security and response resources.
Additional Information
- Human Security Stipend program
- Journal of Human Security and Resilience
- Human Security Book Project
- International Society for Preparedness, Resilience, and Security
- Colorado Emergency Preparedness Partnership
- University and Agency Partnership Initiative
- United States Northern Command
- Global Intercultural Research Center (GLINT)
Advisory Board Members
- Lieutenant General Edward Anderson, U.S. Army (ret)
- Shannon Anderson
- Bernd “Bear” McConnell
- William “Andy” Cain
- Dr. Terry Schwartz
- Dr. Donald Klingner
- Dr. Edin Mujkic
- Rodney Walker