School Social Work Endorsement
UCCS is an approved Colorado Special Services Provider license with a School Social Worker endorsement!
At UCCS social work, you can apply for a special services provider license with a school social worker endorsement to provide social work services in the Colorado public school district or charter school.
You can complete the following coursework at UCCS to apply for this license:
- (SWRK 6057) School Aged Children and Families, OR
- (SWRK 6058) School Social Work Interventions.
Required Coursework (Choose One)
SWRK 6057 - School Aged Children
- 3 credits
- Gives students the ability to use a holistic trauma informed approach to work with school-age children and their families. Examines practice, ethical, and legal principles and procedures relevant to social work practice with families and children including juvenile delinquency, child protection, child adoption, education, and domestic relations. Colorado school social work licensure requirements are addressed including school and special education law, Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) and the development of behavior intervention plans.
SWRK 6058 - School Social Work Interventions
- 3 credits
- Designed to give students the ability to identify, understand, and apply the varied roles of the school social worker. Uses a trauma informed lens to address prevention and intervention methods with children and youth at risk for school failure, as well as other behavioral and mental health problems. Also covers suicide assessment and prevention and the unique needs of school-age children. Requirements for endorsement as a school social work in Colorado are also addressed.
Faculty and advisors will support you in providing an official memo and a copy of your transcript that reflects your completed coursework for this license, along with completing your application. As part of your coursework in the above classes at UCCS, you will gain knowledge in school and special education law, functional behavior assessment and behavior intervention plans.
Upon approval, this authorization will allow you to serve as a school social worker while you pursue the coursework or pass the content exam.
More information can be found here:
SWRK License Endorsement CTA
Explore SWRK License Endorsement