Pi Alpha Alpha at UCCS
About the Chapter

Pi Alpha Alpha is the Global Honor Society for Public Affairs and Administration. There are more than 160 chapters located around the world at NASPAA member schools. Pi Alpha Alpha is run by NASPAA: The Global Standard in Public Service Education and is directed by the NASPAA Pi Alpha Alpha Special Ad Hoc Committee (Committee).
The purpose of Pi Alpha Alpha is to encourage and recognize outstanding scholarship and accomplishment in public affairs and administration. Its objectives, such as fostering integrity, professionalism, and effective performance, promote the advancement of quality in the education and practice of the art and science of public affairs and administration. PAA membership identifies those with the highest performance levels in educational programs preparing them for public service careers.
Pi Alpha Alpha Induction Ceremony
Congratulations to the newest public administration honors society. This year, our guest speaker Jamie McMullen Garcia, Executive Director of Care and Share presented her insights and experience on "Overcoming Fear of Fundraising".
Chapter Board Meetings
The Pi Alpha Alpha Board meets monthly. We discuss planning and communications details to run the chapter. Join us to view a meeting and get connected with fellow members.
Faculty Advisor

Regina Winters is a Senior Instructor in the Master of Public Administration (MPA) program.
- phone: (719) 255-4669
- e-mail: rwinters@uccs.edu
Public Administration Book Club

The Public Administration Book Club is open to all students, alumni, and public sector/non-profit sector professionals.
Pi Alpha Alpha Board Members
Stephanie Adams, President

Occupation: Higher Education Administration UCCS MPA Graduate: Dec. 2020 Hobbies: volunteering, art, family and e-bikes
Samuel Page, Past President

Occupation: Public Administration UCCS MPA Graduate: 2015 Hobbies: family, fishing, games, traveling, and studying history
Kyle B. Cox, Vice President

Occupation: Non-profit Management UCCS MPA Graduate: 2018 Hobbies: music fan, sports, running & exercise, reading
Rubba Ahram, Secretary

Occupation: Colorado Department of Corrections UCCS MPA Graduate: May 2020 Hobbies: writing, crafting, cake decorating, interior decorating
Andrea Holzer, Treasurer

Occupation: Jackie of All Trades UCCS MPA Graduate: May 2019 Hobbies: dog training, learning languages and expanding my cultural horizons
Kyle Gruenhagen, Member at Large

Occupation: Higher Education Finance UCCS MPA Graduate: May 2018 Hobbies: Reading, hiking, traveling, and investing