Steve Parker (Chair)
Consultant 911 telecommunications servicesBiographical Information
Steve Parker has been a member of the School of Public Affairs Advisory Board since its inception, and currently serves as Vice-Chair. Steve received his Bachelor of Arts and Master of Public Administration at UCCS, and has supported the University through participation in the School of Public Affairs Dean Search panel, CU Advocates, CU Foundation, Alumni and Friends Association, and provided testimony for the School of Public Affairs accreditation. Steve also provided grass roots support in the development of undergraduate and graduate programs in Social Work.
Steve previously served our community through prior employment in law enforcement, emergency medical services, and the fire service. He is a former member and president/chair of the Cheyenne Mountain School District Board of Education, Broadmoor Fire Protection District, Pikes Peak Fire Fighters Association, and El Paso-Teller Enhanced 911 Authority Board.
Steve is a longtime resident of Colorado Springs and enjoys the many outdoor recreation opportunities our community presents. He is married to Courtney, and has two adult children, Steven and Sarah.